AIIGII is a consultancy firm providing consultation services through a wide spectrum of expertise in concept formulation, design development, execution of construction working drawings, detailed drawings and preparation of BOQ and specifications. The firm was originally associated with ‘Connect’ architects and planners. Since the year 2000 it has become a separate entity and is now run by its two principles, Prof. Dr. Aly Hatem Gabr and Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mostafa Abdel Ghaffar. For over a period of 35 years, AIIGII has been involved in numerous architectural; urban; landscape; and interior design projects of varying natures and typologies whether it be administrative buildings or development; health-care; hospitality and recreational; industrial; commercial; educational; historical renovation and conservation, and residential projects both with reputable and prestigious partners and collaborators as well as individually, all of which play a crucial role in creating a rich body of work. In the advent of the 21st Century, in an age of rising Pluralist tolerance, where ideologies are fragmented and no clear-cut “my way” or “your way” but rather on a richness of “many ways;” AIIGII has advocated this Pluralism in both its philosophy and design approach. The firm’s s architecture and interior design reflect this wholeheartedly. It does not adopt only one design approach but rather multiple as site contexts, building typologies, client preferences, and social target groups, basing the approach in every project on the where, the what, and the who, rather than a choice of style. This appropriateness inevitably results in an aesthetically pleasing and highly functioning outcomes, taking into consideration the requirements of this age.
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